Friday, October 9, 2009

Cars (2006)

I bet almost everybody watched  this movie so as all others Pixar animations. The movie is well done, have nice effects, jokes, action and voice actors. Its a really amusing movie and even beside i don't be a real fan of the automotive industry i still think its a good movie for the family.
Even with the all the possible good points of a Pixar production, this movie in particular have a failure... the plot.
Let me explain why the plot is a problem.


In 1985 a young actor named Michael J. Fox became world famous with a character from a masterpiece movie called Back to the Future. The actor participated of many other movies including one in 1991 called Doc Hollywood where he was a young doctor who got the chance of his life, so he went after it but during the long trip his pretty porshe (red btw) had some problems and he was forced to stop in a small town lost in middle of the way. An old card have some problems to get replacement parts so he had to stay for some time in that town. There, he find a girl, meet simple people, got tricked to stay, start to enjoy the small things the life have to offer...


Does that sounds familiar?
Not like Cars its not a good movie,  but the plot its not original. I don't mean about the movie be based on something, what do i mean is "Cars" have the exact same plot as Doc Hollywood, except by the fact that instead a doctor the main character is a racing car. Doc Hollywood wasn't that famous as Back to the future but still have some fame and people who remember it. If u have a chance watch both and see by yourself, not kidding.

Well, overall both movies are good and amusing, Doc Hollywood more adult in some ways and Cars more funny for family and kids. I recommend both.

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